Dead Alive Games

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97. The Big Escape - Aureus Gate Crossing

Previous Story: 96. The Big Escape - The Redeemer

Gadget had been disturbed by the beeping, but was even more disturbed when it stopped. Pai’s Firewall program was now without power, and he feared they were without hope. Even more CyMS seemed to be coming their way and they could see nothing of their allies. It seemed they were all very busy, because none of his calls were getting through.

Gadget and Pai aimed their weapons at the nearest CyMS. Now that the Firewall was off, they were far more aggressive.

"Not sure we’ve got enough bullets for all these," said the FBI agent.

"What if this mob caught up with the others?" replied Gadget. "If we can’t get out, I hope at least they can."

Pai didn’t reply. She was looking up the access road towards the toll gates. "We might still have a chance."

Then Gadget saw what she had seen: The Canadian policeman Lance was galloping down the sloping road straight toward them. His horse was knocking dozens of CyMS aside, and any that it missed were taken out by the cavalryman’s stun weapon.

"Hello there!" he said as he reined in. "I heard your message — sounded like you might need some help."

"Much obliged, Lance," said Pai. "What’s going on up there?"

"I’m not entirely sure myself, but if the disruptor is disabled, we still have a chance, correct?"

Gadget was only half-listening. He’d just checked the monitor program which showed him the key metrics from the disruptor terminal. "Guys, we have a major problem. The reboot seems to have accelerated somehow. The E.D. system is going to reactivate far sooner than we thought."

"How soon?" asked Pai.

"About five minutes." 

Lance saw off another CyMS with his stun weapon. "That won’t be long enough. Is there anything we can do?"

Pai spoke up. "Someone will have to stay at the terminal. Hack the terminal every time the E.D. system tries to reboot. I’ll go."

"Not a chance," said Gadget. "You’re a lot younger than I am. Plus, you can recharge that Firewall and help with the escape."

Lance dismounted. "You’ll need someone to protect you."

"I will."

Lance turned to Pai. "Please get on Charger."

"This is all very noble, but-"

"I insist," said Lance. "They need you up there. And there’s no time to argue."

"I don’t know how to ride a horse."

"Charger is more than just a horse. He’ll get you to the others. Don’t worry."

"Take Timmy, too," said Gadget, attaching the drone to the saddle. "Maybe Flash can use him." 

Lance kicked another CyMS aside, then helped Pai up. He held Charger by the reins. "To the bridge, lad. Look after her."

With a neigh, Charger spun around and set off up the access road.

Even now, Gadget was reluctant to start shooting. Using his rifle as a club, he smashed a big CyMS out of the way.

Lance jabbed another in the throat, sending it sprawling. "I’ll clear us a path. Just show me the way."


Pai didn’t even try to guide the horse. Charger clearly knew his way, avoiding CyMS whenever possible and knocking them aside when he had to. Once past the toll gates, they came to a mass of CyMS who were only being held back by the desperate combined efforts of Pai’s fellow Peacemakers, the Survivalists, the Creators and the Red Dragons.

The defenders were arranged in a ragged line, still guarding Hiko’s transporters and the defenseless members of the column. While some were still using non-lethal force, others were killing the CyMS, which numbered many hundreds.

Seeing a slight gap on the left side of the bridge, Charger smashed his way through. The horse would have accidentally smashed Seeker, too, but she dived out of the way. Once safe, Pai slid to the ground, greatly relieved. Charger trotted away along the bridge of his own accord; Pai wasn’t sure why.

"Where are Gadget and Lance?" demanded Seeker as Buck, Lucky and Cyborg hurried over.

"Problem with the terminal," answered Pai. "They had to stay behind with it. They’ll follow when they can."

"We can’t wait any longer for them," said Buck. "We have to get everyone moving. Lucky, Cyborg, let’s get through that gap beside the barrier and across the bridge. It’ll have to be a fighting retreat all the way."

Leaving the most effective defenders in the line, the three of them guided the others towards the barrier. Pai was impressed to note that Lady Rose and her Red Dragons were still fighting on, though their numbers were clearly reduced. Some of the Cynfo people were there, too: Crimson and her two heavies. Yet more CyMS were joining the rear of the mob, no doubt drawn by all the activity.

"How are Lance and Gadget going to get through?" asked Seeker.

Pai just shook her head.


With Arcadia dead and the robot destroyed, H3x thought her puppets might once again be controllable. But, she could not get the system going. Thanks to Kuklacı’s spiders, however, the puppets were long gone. H3x had stayed alongside Gudu and they were now with a thin line of do-gooders holding the CyMS at bay. They had just passed the barrier and she was glad to be finally moving across the bridge. But everyone was running low on ammo; she wasn’t sure how long they could hold out.


Lance took the call from Buck, then reported to Gadget. "They’re past the barrier — far enough that the E.D. can’t affect them now."

Gadget took his eyes off the terminal and nodded towards the CyMS still blocking the access road. "But it can affect us. We’re not going to catch up in five minutes."

"There is a chance. Seeker found an access ladder that leads up to the bridge and comes out next to the barrier." Lance pointed towards the shadowy area beneath the bridge. "Somewhere over there."

"Good old Seeker," replied Gadget. "OK, we’re down to four and a half minutes. Let’s go."


The gap was only about 10 feet across. This made the defenders' job easier. H3x watched as Plate, Gudu, Artemis and others with handheld weapons continued to chop down those CyMS that did get through. Behind them were at least a thousand more, all pressing forward.

H3x glanced over her shoulder. The three transporters, the three remaining vehicles and those still on foot had disappeared into the thicker fog that hung over the water.

"Don’t get too close! Look out!"

H3x wasn’t sure who gave the warning, but when she turned around, she saw that Gudu had almost disappeared, surrounded by a swarm of CyMS. Lucky, Thug, Plate, Artemis and several others did their best, but even the Indonesian warrior could not escape this time. Though she whirled and kicked and sliced at the CyMS, they grabbed at her clothes and hair, dragging her down.

"No!" shouted Artemis, but it was too late. The CyMS were now funnelling through the gap with alarming speed.


Gadget and Lance were only 30 feet away, side by side at the top of the ladder, surveying the scene in front of them. 

"I’ve never seen that many in one place," whispered Gadget. It was so frustrating to see his friends close, but unreachable. 

"Me, neither," replied Lance, his face slick with sweat.

"They’ll never make it across with that many on their tail."

"I concur. And we can’t risk them getting to the other side, spreading to other cities and across the country. We need to plug that gap somehow."

"I think I have a way. But it’s not going to leave you and me with much of a hope."

"The greater good is more important," said Lance without hesitation. "What do you have in mind?"

Gadget delved into his backpack and pulled out RICH. "I’ve been saving this for a special occasion. To be most effective, we need to be in the middle of the CyMS."

Lance lifted his stun weapon. "I’ll get you there."


Artemis was exhausted. She had no idea how long she had been swinging her axe, but it felt like hours. She glimpsed Lucky firing his last few arrows, a weary Thug clobbering CyMS with his pipe. They could just about handle the few CyMS coming through the gap but there was an endless supply of them. Gudu was already gone, and the rest of the rearguard would tire and collapse eventually. Artemis doubted they could last more than a few minutes. She was glad Seeker was with the main column.

Then, she saw it. Flashes of light and the distinctive red uniform of the Canadian police officer, Lance. He was carving through the CyMS and now stopped in the middle of the bridge, about 30 feet away. Then, Artemis saw the smaller figure with him. "That’s Gadget. Lucky, that’s Gadget! Why is he-"

Suddenly, the CyMS all dropped to the ground, instantly lifeless. They were so densely-packed that in places the piles were three or four deep. Artemis glimpsed Lance’s red uniform once, but then it disappeared. She saw Gadget’s face and his waving hand, but then he, too, was crushed under the falling bodies.

"What the hell?" said Plate.

"EMP," answered H3x.

"RICH," breathed Artemis. "Gadget used it to overload the CyMS’ implants." 

"We can get to him!" said Lucky. He and Thug strode towards the mass of bodies.

Plate blocked their path. "Don’t do it. It’ll take ages to get through that lot. Gadget and Lance bought us time. We have to use it."

Artemis didn’t want to believe it, but the Creator was right. There was no sign of life from either man. They must have known what they were doing. 

Lucky and Thug were all set to push Plate aside, but Artemis intercepted them. "He’s right and you know it. If we don’t go now, their sacrifice was for nothing."

Even though there were tears streaming down his face, Lucky eventually nodded. He guided Thug away.

"Let’s catch up with the others," said Artemis, breaking into a run. 


By the time the column was halfway across the bridge, she had reunited with Seeker. They held hands and — like the other Survivalists — were unable to find any words about their lost friend. When they’d heard the news, the Peacemakers were similarly shocked, though Buck commented that Lance’s sacrifice was typical of the man. Pai was bereft, able only to mumble something about how she "should have stayed with them."

As she’d passed the rear of the column, Artemis had been bemused to see the Animals simply following along, many of them sitting on the back of the elephant. One of them — the fearsome Komodo dragon — was a little way ahead, walking alongside Lady Rose. A dragon with the Dragons. In the middle of this terrible, strange night, it almost made sense.

Not long after they passed the halfway point, the Agency guy, Nix, came running back from a scouting trip. He asked the others to halt. It seemed there was a major problem, so Artemis and Seeker hurried over to listen in.

"I thought Mike said there would only be a small patrol on the far side," said Buck.

"He did," answered Nix, "but maybe they caught wind of the fighting or realized something was up with the terminal. Anyway, looks like a significant force. Even with the fog, they’ll spot us if we get much closer. Can we use the platforms now?"

Hiko turned her hoverchair toward the military man. "I thought we’d be much closer when we left the bridge. Lifting everyone and getting across all that water is going to take a lot more power. Maybe more than I have."

Flash came forward. "We still have Timmy. And Flyboy’s drones. They can each get under one of the platforms. Take some of the load."

Flyboy nodded. "We’ll need to reprogram, but, yes, we can do it." 

"That will help," replied Hiko. "But we’ll still have to ditch some of the weapons and supplies if we’re going to get everyone across. There are 103 of us — not to mention an elephant."

"The Animals are coming with us?" asked Flyboy incredulously.

"They can probably swim the last bit," said Buck, "but we have to return the favor — without them, Redeemer would have taken us all out." 

"Guys," said Nix. "Cut the chatter. The military will have detected either the reboot or the EMP blast. Probably both. Let’s do this.’


Hiko had never felt so nervous. She positioned herself on one platform and configured the other two so they would follow her lead exactly. Upon her platform were the Creators, the Cynfo people, Dr. Altmann and all of the vulnerable passengers. On platform two were the Survivalists, the Peacemakers, plus Cyborg’s neighbors and the St. Mary’s group. On the third were the Red Dragons and the Animals. Lance’s horse, Charger, had joined the other creatures, and no one was going to argue with the courageous horse.

Five minutes earlier, Hiko had conducted a bizarre "conversation" with Lady Rose and a chimpanzee. The chimpanzee clearly understood the need for the Animals to be careful and still while the platforms were in motion. The Animals also seemed happy to share space with the Dragons, which apparently suited everyone else.

Once they were all aboard and the safety barriers locked in place, Hiko guided the first platform over the side of the bridge. Here, the wind was gusty, and she had to make several adjustments to stabilize the platform. After a brief exchange with Flyboy and Lance, Timmy and the drones were put to good use, taking some of the load and also helping with stability.

Once she had the other two vehicles lined up beside hers, Hiko descended. The gusting wind continued to cause numerous scares and there were more than a few shrieks of panic, but they eventually made it down to the water. Dr. Altmann helped her adjust the platform’s sensors and levitators for the unusual environment and they set off for the far side. 


We’re all very sorry about Lance. Walter had just jumped off Jugger’s back and now stood beside Charger. The horse was alone at the rear of the human vehicle and occasionally looked back toward the city.

Charger didn’t reply, but nodded his head.

Walter looked over at Xi, who was lying beside her former owner. The woman was stroking her head. Earlier, Walter had asked the Komodo what she wanted to do. It seemed that Xi now considered the woman her friend, not her owner. Xi cared for her and wanted to protect her. Walter didn’t mind if she went her own way, but he hoped the rest of the Animals would stay together. Jugger’s wound was still bleeding but the big woman named Jenny had wrapped a jacket around it, which had helped a little.

He looked down at the dark water below, then back toward the city. The zoo already seemed a long, long way away.


Hiko’s nerves only subsided when she set the three platforms down. Guided by Nix, they had evaded the military and slowly eased up through the fog to high ground. With help from the bald eagle, they had located a clearing and were now safe within Narim. Slumped in her hoverchair, Hiko watched as the Creators, the Peacemakers, the Survivalists, the Red Dragons, the Cynfo people, the Animals and all the others stepped off the platforms. Gathering in their factions, they now gazed south, toward San Lazaro.

Dr. Altmann approached and gripped her arm. "Superb, Hiko. You got us across."

"Thanks, doc, I feel like I could sleep for a week."


Bob and Howl seemed happy. Walter reminded the wolf not to live up to his name and give their position away, before joining Jane and Athena on Jugger’s back. He looked out at the sea of fog below and the towers and cables of the great bridge. He knew that humans could build huge objects, but this was an incredible sight. 

 Athena suddenly flapped her wings. Something in the air, high above. 


"Don’t worry," said Dr Altmann to Hiko as the planes roared overhead. "We won’t even show up on their radar."

"Is this it?" said Lucky, who was standing close by. "Is this Omicron?"

"This is it," said Goddess bitterly.

Lady Rose looked on in silence, still petting the Komodo dragon.

Hiko and the others gazed up at the sky. There were more aircraft than she could count. As they neared San Lazaro, tanks on their wings released glittering particles that floated gently down toward the city. As the first wave of planes flew on, a second wave passed and began to release its load.

To Hiko, the glittering air looked rather beautiful. If anyone agreed with her, they didn’t say so.

Buck just shook his head. "I didn’t really believe they’d do it." As the others continued to watch, he turned and walked away.

Next Story: 98. Epilogue