Dead Alive Games

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87. Settling Affairs - "Do-Gooders" - Sugar and Strife

Previous Story: 86. Settling Affairs - “Do-Gooders” - Give Me Your Tired…

There has to be something in here!

Lance was determined to find a treat for Charger, but the aisles of Megamart were mostly bare. What he did find — buried under a pile of Dr. Fresh sponges and brushes — was a pack of toilet paper. Feeling guilty about his failure, he tried to make the best of it when he returned to Charger, who was waiting patiently by the big store’s entrance.

"Very hard to get toilet paper these days," he said. "Don’t worry, boy — we’ll keep looking."

Moving to another part of the store, they followed another aisle that had once contained tinned food. There was hardly anything left. But, at the end of an aisle was an abandoned shopping basket. Charger was first to it, nosing a moldy loaf of bread aside and pulling out a box of sugar cubes.

"Ha! Good work, Charger!" Lance helped the horse open the box, and soon Charger was munching his way through the cubes.

He’d almost finished when Lance heard a noise from the entrance. Charger heard it, too; he turned towards the sound, then cast a big, wary eye at Lance.

"We better check that out, boy. I’ll hold onto these for you." Stuffing the remaining sugar cubes into his pocket, Lance took Charger’s reins and led him cautiously back the way they’d come.

He could soon see the cause of the noise: four CyMS that were for some reason attacking a display of greeting cards. They were close to the automatic doors, which were opening and shutting as the sensors were set off.

"That’s weird — even for them. Come on, boy, no sense getting ourselves into trouble." Lance wasn’t sure how else they could get out — the main entrance was wide enough for Charger but he doubted there was another door so large. "Perhaps we can hide in the back until they leave."

The aisles of Megamart were very wide, but so was Charger and, as he turned, his tail caught a stack of laundry detergent. As the boxes tumbled to the ground, the sound reverberated through the cavernous store.

"So much for the subtle approach." Knowing the CyMS would already be moving towards them, Lance swung up into the saddle. He plucked his stun lance from the saddle holster and urged Charger swiftly into a gallop.

The first of the mindless CyMS made a vain attempt to stop them, but was smashed aside by Charger’s chest. The other three darted toward the door, which was thankfully open. Lance lowered the powerful stun weapon and struck one in the shoulder, sending it sprawling into a row of shopping carts. Charger knocked two more aside with his knees, and suddenly they were out in the sunlit parking lot.

Lance reined in and glanced back at the CyMS. Two were already on their feet and pursuing.

"At least we got something out of our shopping trip." He fed Charger the last of the sugar, then set him away, swiftly outpacing the CyMS.

Next Story: 88. Settling Affairs - “Up to No Good” - Blood is Thicker