Dead Alive Games

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74. The Real Secret Agent

Previous Story: 73. Goddess Rising

Spc. Mike Chang approached Davies as the agent exited his car. Behind Chang was the SUV and the small team he would be using for the night’s operation.

"Evening, Chang," said Davies, a broad-shouldered man with spiky gray hair.

"Evening, sir."

"As you know, this is my sector. We’re going to get some heat from the military for this stunt, but I’m told it could be important. Something about a partner of yours?"

"That’s right, sir. Nix is trapped in SL across the bay. I’ve been trying to contact him for weeks, and it turns out that some scientific group has found a way to overcome the barrier. They’re very secretive, but I managed to sneak a spider remote onto one of their drones. Nix and I had a dead drop site prearranged, and the remote landed there eight nights ago — it’s a broken fuse box in the Warehouse District. Since then, I’ve been searching for a way to signal him. This is it.” Chang gestured to the vast structure close by — the Ashland Ballers’ stadium. 

"You’re sure this will work?" asked Davies.

"The stadium lights can be seen all across SL. Nix notices everything. I think it’s my best shot."

"Very well, then. A line into the city could be very useful. But, once you’re done, get out of here. In the event of any trouble, the Agency will-"

"-Deny all knowledge. I know that, sir." 

"Get to it, then, Chang. Best of luck."


After a long day of patrol duties, Nix turned in at midnight. He was woken shortly after by Lance.

"Lights from the stadium across the bay," said the Canadian. "Your Morse code is probably a lot less rusty than mine." 

Nix and Lance joined Buck on the roof of the station. Though the stadium was at least 5 miles away, the powerful lights were clear in the night sky. Nix watched the repeating signal twice to be sure.

"Well, well. If it isn’t my old pal Mike."

"I couldn’t make head or tail out of it," said Lance. 

"It’s coded," said Nix, already on his way back downstairs. "One we used to use just between us." 

"Hey," said Buck. "Where the hell are you going?"

Next Story: 75. The Omicron Protocol - Part 1