Dead Alive Games

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85. Settling Affairs - "Do-Gooders" - Family Matters

Previous Story: 84. Settling Affairs - “Do Gooders” - Sorting Things Out

Dessert was four tins of rice pudding, shared equally among the Survivalists. Lucky was telling some filthy jokes and, though Gadget was glad to see everyone laughing, he needed some time alone. Once in the ATS office, he closed the door behind him.

He knew why he felt anxious. Though he was glad to be at the center of the upcoming operation, it was a risky one. It seemed as if everything was coming to a head; he could not be sure if he — and his fellow Survivalists — would survive. But, as well as fear, Gadget felt a surge of pride. The "family" that he had created around ATS over the years had become even more important when the crisis hit. Gadget wasn’t sure if he and the others would have endured without banding together. They had overcome every challenge thrown at them — so far.

And, from one family, his thoughts moved to another. Having made up his mind, Gadget opened one of the desk drawers. Under some papers was the bottle of Jill Daniels that Denny had given him after Gadget had fixed his car and helped him escape the CyMS. It seemed a long time ago now.

Taking the bottle with him, Gadget left the office and hurried into the ATS workshop. He got into his truck, started it up and headed for the main door. Thug was on duty there, armed with his steel pipe. After the Red Dragons attack, the Survivalists didn’t take any chances.

"Where you headed?" asked Thug.

"To see my son."

The ex-con seemed confused, but Gadget didn’t give him a chance to say more. He guided his truck out of ATS and away into the darkness.

Next Story: 86. Settling Affairs - “Do-Gooders” - Give Me Your Tired…