Dead Alive Games

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56. The Airdrop - Part 2

Previous Story: 55. The Airdrop - Part 1

The fog rolled in with remarkable speed. Thug, Sergiy and Flyboy found themselves suddenly surrounded by the ghostly white. They were less than a hundred feet from the drop coordinates.

‘Is this a good thing or a bad thing?’ asked Thug.

‘If anyone else is here, they won’t see us,’ said Flyboy.

‘True,’ said Sergiy. ‘But we won’t see them.’

‘Wait,’ said Flyboy. ‘I hear something.’

‘A drone?’ asked Thug.



Nix and Flash were crouching next to a fence. Nix watched the fog drift in from the bay while Flash consulted his heads up display for TMI.

‘I’m reading a small group of contacts up ahead. Three or four.’

‘Any sign of the drone?’

‘Not yet. But they might have some stealth tech. Two minutes to midnight and we’re right on the drop zone.’


Fei let Crimson and Gudu go first. She only realized it was a mistake when two crouching figures materialized out of the fog.

‘Take ‘em down!’ cried Gudu. In seconds, she and Crimson were sprinting directly at the pair.

‘Wait!’ yelled Fei, knowing it was already too late.


What’s with these two? thought Nix as the two women leapt at him, illuminated by Flash’s light. He didn’t want to kill them so instead used his combat knife to first parry a machete sweep then a baton strike. Fortunately, Flash intervened, bringing the butt of his revolver down on the taller woman’s head. But as she staggered away, the other woman swung her klewang. It sliced through Flash’s raincoat, somehow missing his arm. Nix grabbed her around the neck, wrestling for control of the machete.

‘Nix, move!’ yelled Flash. ‘I can’t get a clear shot.’


Thug, Sergiy and Flyboy all heard him.

‘Nix,’ said Flyboy. ‘He’s with the guys Threads and Plate met.’

‘Yeah, Lucky mentioned him too,’ said Thug. ‘Think he’s on our side.’

‘Then let’s go help him,’ added Sergiy.

‘Okay but no Molotovs, right?’

‘It is not an appropriate occasion,’ said the Ukranian.

Thug asked Flyboy if he had a weapon.


‘Okay, then you stay back and keep an ear out for the drone.’

‘Got it.’


Nix suddenly found himself being pulled forward then flipped to the ground. He landed hard on his shoulder. Despite her size, this Red Dragon was tough. Just as he got up, the second woman pulled out a gun and a flashlight.

Nix was already on the move, heading back to Flash. He could have kept fighting but that wasn’t the smart call.  

‘Let’s get away from these two. The priority is the drone.’

Flash turned off his light and the pair of them escaped into the darkness.   


Thug suddenly found a beam aiming directly at him. Instinctively lifting Rusty to protect himself, he heard a bullet strike it and ricochet away. His steel pipe was very handy but it wasn’t a distance weapon. He found himself retreating beside Sergiy and Flyboy.

‘Why the hell am I being shot at?’

‘Probably the Red Dragons,’ said Sergiy.

‘Guys,’ said the younger man. ‘I think I can hear the drone.’


Fei had stayed out of the fighting and gave a grim smile as she heard something solid strike the ground nearby.

Nice distraction, ladies. That package is all mine.

With her adaptive suit and the fog, she knew she’d be virtually invisible. She quickly located the small metal box attached to a miniature parachute. Ripping the parachute off, she picked up her prize.

Lady Rose is going to be very-

Suddenly the box was ripped from her hands with considerable force. Hearing a raptor’s cry, Fei aimed her flashlight upwards and was stunned to see a bald eagle flapping away, the box gripped in its metallic talons.

Really didn’t see that coming.


‘What the hell is that?’

Sergiy also aimed his flashlight up at the eagle, illuminating both package and bird.

‘That thing’s got it!’ exclaimed Thug.

‘I’ve heard of screaming eagles,’ remarked Flyboy. ‘But not thieving eagles.’

As the raptor disappeared into the fog, Flash lowered his flashlight. The beam caught several spectral figures.

‘Who are they?’

Soon they could see half a dozen, all walking swiftly towards them. The flashlight moved across tanned faces, worn hats and greasy overalls.

‘Sailors,’ said Sergiy. ‘From the docks.’

Thug has seen the dead-eyed expression before. One of the sailors was holding a ratchet, another a brick.

‘CyMS,’ said Flyboy.

‘The package is gone, guys,’ said Thug. ‘I vote we get out of here.’

‘I agree,’ said Sergiy.

‘We can use the fog. Stay close.’ With that, Thug ran straight into the densest patch he could see.


Fei found Gudu and Crimson standing back to back, ready to fight. She deactivated her suit and came out of the fog with her hands up.

‘Guys, it’s me. You’re not going to believe this – an eagle took the package.’

‘Say what?’ snapped Gudu.

‘There’s been talk of some animals on the loose,’ replied Crimson. ‘I could have sworn I heard a bear earlier.’

‘I saw it with my own eyes,’ said Fei. ‘That and a gang of CyMS. We need to get out of here.

‘Got some unfinished business,’ said Gudu through gritted teeth.

‘That can wait,’ said Crimson. ‘We need to report back. Let’s move.’


‘What a pair of psychos,’ said Nix, one hand on his aching shoulder as he deactivated his camo suit. They had now stopped again, confident they were well clear of their enemies. Beside Nix, Flash studied the TMI screen.

‘Reading anything?’

‘I’ve got the drone but it looks like it’s moving away. I can see some other groups. Actually, one is very close.’

Nix froze as he heard something behind him. He spun around and readied a throwing knife.

‘What is it?’ asked Flash, drawing his revolver.

Several figures materialized out of the mist. One was very big and holding a long object.

As he got closer, Nix realized it was a steel pipe. This was Thug, the guy he had heard about.

‘It’s okay, Flash,’ said Nix. ‘These are Buck’s guys.’

Flash turned on his light and Nix raised a hand. ‘Hey there.’

‘Hey,’ said Thug. ‘You okay?’

‘Fine, thanks. Any idea what happened to the package.’

Thug shook his head. ‘You’re not going to believe this.’  

Next Story: 57. Super Charger!