Dead Alive Games

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60. The Purge Script - Part 1

Previous Story: 59. The Test Subject

‘Are you sure about this, Buck?’

Pai looked across the table at the veteran police officer. The pair were alone in one of the station’s interview rooms, a laptop on the table in front of them.

‘We can’t go on like this forever,’ Buck replied. ‘These guys seem to be on our side. We were fortunate that the Purge Script ended up in our hands. Now it’s time to take action.’

Pai agreed with him about that. She worried about information reaching less well-intentioned factions but hoped that those she’d worked with in recent weeks could be trusted. She turned the laptop towards her and entered the encrypted coms channel they had set up. Gadget and Artemis of the Survivalists and Cyborg and Kulaci of the Creators were waiting for the call. Once the six of them had exchanged greetings, Pai invited Artemis and Kulaci to explain their findings. She was impressed with their technical knowledge and listened carefully to the clear report. Unsurprisingly, the blogger was a good communicator.

‘It seems that the Purge Script code works by shutting off the virus’ ability to use Near Field Communication or other wireless methods to infect others. It then removes the virus layer by layer from every implant within a CyMS. For those not yet infected, it acts as an inoculation, closing off key wireless access points. Artemis has been comparing it with the program Cynfo have developed and released in the last week.’

The encryption expert continued the explanation: ‘Based on what we know so far, Great Wall is much more advanced than the Purge Script in terms of inoculation capability. In theory, it could work as well – or better – than what we have. It’s a very impressive piece of programming.’

‘We won’t really know until we try it,’ interjected Buck. ‘Gadget and I have been discussing how to distribute the Purge Script. Gadget, your suggestion?’

‘Lucky used to live in a homeless camp over on 8th Street. Since the crisis began, it’s been massively expanded to accommodate those left behind after the evacuation. There are two other camps not far from 8th Street and all three include thousands of people. These seem like the ideal locations to begin; we can potentially protect them all from becoming CyMS.’

‘I agree,’ said Buck. ‘All the camps were on my patrol routes. We know how to get there and we know we can help a large number of people quickly. The camps have a leadership structure and some level of security. With our help, they can improve that security. And if we’re successful, we can bring non-infected into the camps and inoculate them. The infected can be brought in and treated. Then we can really begin to reclaim the city. We don’t need to stay there long-term, just until they’re set up and functioning.’

‘So, when do we do this?’ asked Artemis.

‘No time like the present,’ said Buck. ‘What about later today? We’ll need three teams and I suggest a mix from our factions. Each group will need someone with the right expertise to take care of the Purge Script, someone to help with the defenses – and a bit of muscle.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ replied Gadget. ‘Let’s select our all-stars!’  


Cyborg’s team was using his 4X4 and so far the trip had gone well. They weren’t looking for a fight so had avoided any CyMS in their path. Cyborg was in the passenger seat with his new associate, Thug, at the wheel. Thug was an imposing character but seemed friendly and keen to drive. In the back of the 4X4 was Flash, the detective, Lucky, Cyborg’s old friend.

‘So, I assume that’s a surveillance model?’ asked Cyborg, referring to the drone that Flash brought with him.

‘One of the best. Should help us protect the camp.’

‘I’ll just check in with the other teams,’ said Lucky. The others went quiet as he made the call.

Cyborg thought they had divided up their personnel well; and he hoped the operation would make progress at all three locations. For all they knew, they were San Lazaro’s only hope. As long as the leaders were cooperative and receptive to help, he reckoned their chances were good. His group was Team 1. Team 2 was made up of Buck and Pai along with Kulaci and Seeker. In Team 3 were Artemis, Ranger, Flyboy and Plate.

‘Team 3 already at their camp,’ reported Lucky. ‘Team 2 are close.’

Thug took one hand off the wheel to point ahead. ‘So are we.’


Lady Rose was enjoying the music. She had quite a penchant for classical and particularly liked Beethoven and Bach. To her, there was an impressive energy, power and scale to their work. It inspired her to do more; to be more.

When Little Jenny turned off the stereo, her superior and friend frowned.

‘H3x is here,’ explained the bodyguard as the mohawked hacker climbed into the back of the Range Rover.

‘I hope it’s good news,’ said Rose.

‘I think so, boss. Even though we missed the upload, we’ve been able to access what they call the Purge Script via the wireless tap Fei installed at ATS. It really does seem like it can cure the virus. You’ll recall that we also have the contents of the FMX-3 drive, which contains a breakdown of a government experiment designed for prisoner interrogations. It uses implants to generate a VR world, presumably to manipulate the subject. Looking at the code, I’d guess it formed the basis for the virus that created the CyMS.’

‘Interesting,’ said Lady Rose, gazing at a wandering female CyMS some way down the street. The CyMS was gesticulating wildly, as if conducting an orchestra.

‘But that’s not the good news,’ added H3x. ‘Using what I’ve learned from these two sources, I’ve developed a variation of the virus which will allow me – sorry, us – to control any number of CyMS. I’m calling it Puppet-master.’

‘Good news, indeed,’ said Rose. ‘Have you trialled it yet?’


‘There’s been a lot of coms chatter about these homeless camps. Could be an ideal location for us to test your … innovation. You can take Rhino and Gudu along to watch your back.’

‘You got it, boss.’

Rose wondered why Ryder Arcadia hadn’t yet asked her about the FMX-3 drive. ‘Jenny, you contacted Cynfo, right?’ 

‘I did. Left a message for Arcadia with Goddess. No reply yet.’ 

Rose couldn’t help feeling suspicious. ‘Keep an eye out for anyone from Cynfo - who knows what they’re up to.’ 

‘No problem,’ replied H3x.

‘Puppet-master,’ said Lady Rose, adjusting a golden diamond bracelet. ‘Not a bad name. But I think we’ll go with Puppet-mistress.’


Winner was studying his Great Wall code when Ryder Arcadia lurched into the lab. His eyes had changed and Winner noticed that his usually immaculate appearance had declined. The same was not true of Goddess, who followed him into the lab, as strikingly beautiful as ever.

‘Ryder, you okay?’ she said, putting a hand on his arm.

‘Course I am, babe.’ The CEO pointed at Winner. ‘I’ve had a vision. One of my best ever. We are going to help everyone. You’re going to prepare Great Wall for another test. This time we’re going to try a larger population.’

Winner had feared something like this. ‘Mr. Arcadia, we’ve seen no improvement in the CyMS patient. I need to review everything. Great Wall might not even-’

‘Nonsense. It worked! You’re going to get it ready – ready to deploy on a large scale.’

Winner was thankful when Goddess intervened again. ‘Ryder, you haven’t been yourself the last couple of days. Maybe you should get some sleep.’

‘That’s how I had my vision!’ answered Ryder, a lop-sided smile on his face. ‘And I know it’s the right thing to do. Winner, get started right away.’

It wasn’t the first time Winner had been ordered to something he thought ill-advised. He didn’t suppose it would be the last.

‘Are you sure about this?’ asked Goddess.

‘Sure I’m sure,’ said Ryder. ‘Hey, Crimson! Come in here.’

The chief of security had been walking past but now entered the lab. ‘Sir?’

‘Those homeless camps you told me about. You’re going to pay one a visit and help Winston here try something out for me. Take Beater along too.’ Ryder caught Winner’s eye. ‘Why are you still standing around, man? Get to work!’

Next Story: 61. Assault on ATS