Dead Alive Games

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69. A Date At Pets R Us

Previous Story: 68. The Rampage

Are you sure about this, Walter? asked Jugger.

I’m sure, replied the chimp, before opening a very wide door at the rear of the store. See — even you can get inside. This is the best supply of food we’ve found. We have to take it while we can.

Jugger aimed her trunk at the nearby sacks of food. Isn’t this enough?

It’s just cereal, replied Walter. The good stuff is all inside.

Jugger wasn’t the only one to hesitate.

Jane leaped down beside the elephant. Walter, those strange humans are close by. And the ones with the weapons that can hurt us.

Then, let’s be quick! said the chimp, waving the others inside.

I’m with Walter, said Bob.

No surprise there, remarked Jane.

Bob padded into the store on all fours, swiftly followed by Howl and Xi.

Jugger would have felt happier with Athena up in the sky keeping watch, but the bald eagle had eaten something bad and was back at the zoo, recovering on her perch.

If we help, it’ll be quicker, said Jane.

Jugger waved her trunk in agreement, and the elephant and cat followed the others into the store.

Walter was jumping up and down with excitement on a pile of large bags. 

We can use these to carry more and take it with us. All of you drag the food here and I’ll collect it up. Jugger can carry a lot!


"Are you sure about this, boss?" asked Little Jenny as they pulled up outside Pets R Us. "We’re kind of close to that camp."

"Which is why we’re going to be quick," replied Lady Rose, climbing out of the SUV. "Rhino, Gudu, let’s go."

The three members of the Red Dragons followed Rose across the courtyard. Jenny really didn’t understand Rose’s obsession with the Komodo dragon, but she was loyal to her boss and would accompany her on any mission — even one to obtain guinea pigs to tempt Xi back to her owner.

"Like we haven’t got better things to do," mumbled Rhino, before exchanging a cynical look with Gudu. Lady Rose was too far ahead to hear this, but Jenny did. She found it amusing that a musclebound thug like Rhino was scared of his diminutive superior. Jenny sped up so that she was with Rose as they entered the store. Pets R Us was a huge building, and an unpleasant smell pervaded the whole place.

"Yuck," said Rose. "Rhino, Gudu, check left; Jenny, with me to the right. If you see guinea pigs or anything similar, give a shout."


Jugger had to admit that her friend was one smart chimpanzee. He had everyone working as a team. Howl, Bob and Xi were dragging packets of food over to Walter, who then placed them in the big bags. Jugger already had one bag hanging from her tusks, with room for three more. There wasn’t a lot Jane could do to help, which seemed to suit her.

Howl and Bob suddenly stopped, and turned toward the front of the store.

Smell something? asked Bob.

Yes, answered Howl. And I don’t like it.


"You know what?" said Rhino. "If there ever were any guinea pigs in here, I bet they’re long dead."

"Maybe that’s what the smell is," replied Gudu, idly tapping a finger against the handle of her klewang.

"This is a complete waste of time." Rhino stopped to examine a fish tank. Several goldfish were floating on the surface. The next thing he heard was a rasp as Gudu drew her klewang from its scabbard.

"Maybe not."

Instinctively, Rhino drew his pistol. Then he saw what Gudu meant: Stalking along the aisle toward them was a bear, followed by a wolf. Behind them was the Komodo dragon.

"I guess that’s good news," said Gudu.

"I guess," said Rhino, before bellowing across the store: "Lady Rose, we’ve got Xi over here! And we’re going to need some help!"

Gudu pointed to a nearby cage. "Maybe we can get it in there somehow."

Rhino raised his gun. "To be honest, I’m not sure we’re quite there yet."

The bear stopped about 10 feet away, rose up on his hind legs and roared. Rhino aimed at his chest and reached for the trigger, but then he realized the wolf was coming at him. As it leaped, Rhino dove to the floor, and the wolf sailed over him. He turned back to see Gudu swing her klewang, causing the wolf to yelp as the blade sliced across its nose. The blow only drew a little blood, but the wolf seemed wary of attacking again, instead facing off with Gudu, staring at her with gleaming blue eyes.

Rhino was about to check what the bear was doing when one of its great paws slammed him in the shoulder, throwing him into a pile of dog blankets. As he landed, his pistol was knocked from his grasp. He looked up to see the bear roar once more, ready to pounce.

Jenny had arrived, aiming her TEK 9 at the bear’s head. She pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. Sensing the new threat, the bear turned and went for her. Dropping the gun, Jenny did the only thing she could do: raise her arms to defend herself. As she gripped the bear’s huge paws, she had never been so happy to have her arm strength implants. Even then, the bear was gaining ground, and she knew she had to activate her Stinger implants — wreaths of blue light crackled, electrocuting the bear. Despite a yelp, the tough beast did not let up. But it seemed weaker now, and Jenny could just about match it.


They have the metal weapons. We must leave now! said Jugger. She, Walter and Jane had just caught up with the battle. Xi was about to join in, but Walter grabbed her tail.

Please, Xi, no! pleaded the chimp. Let’s get out of here. Howl, you, too!

Jugger was pleased to see the wolf dart past the woman and run toward his friends. His nose was bleeding, but not too badly.

Bob, it’s too dangerous, cried Jugger. Let’s go!

With a last push, Bob sent the big woman flying, unleashing a roar that seemed half triumphant, half relieved. But, as he turned, the man scrambled to his feet, one of the metal weapons in his hand. Suddenly, a plastic dog bone smashed into his head, sending him reeling.

Very good throw, Walter, remarked Jane.

As Bob and Xi hurried back towards them, Jugger turned round, accidentally knocking over a stack of cages. She was relieved to see all the animals with her as they escaped toward the doors. Two of the bags were still hanging from her tusks.

I don’t like running away, said Howl.

At least we got some food, replied Bob.


Gudu helped Jenny to her feet. "You all right?"

"Considering I just grappled with a bear, not bad." She looked at her TEK 9, which was lying on the floor. "Damn thing never jammed before."

Rhino wandered over, rubbing his head.

Lady Rose at last arrived, holding a little cage. "So, where’s Xi?"

Gudu shrugged. "They ... er … got the better of us."

Rose kicked the floor with one of her high heels. "I am starting to really dislike those animals."

"Me, too," added Rhino, still rubbing his head.

Rose shook her head in disbelief before holding up the cage. Jenny could see a couple of very thin-looking guinea pigs inside.

"At least I got these."

Next Story: 70. Patient Zero - Part 1