Painting Little Jenny & Lady Rose

Painting Little Jenny & Lady Rose

It is so much fun to painting our new models again. After a summer of painting up fantasy models for frostrgave and just working on contrast and NMM I’ve really come a long way, especially on painting skin. More on that later. For now, let’s revisit Jane. Bernie prompted me to brighter her up and I think she looks a little better this week than last. I also darkened the lamp bulb a little bit to offset the “white” of Jane’s body.

The Bank Heist - Video Playthrough

The Bank Heist - Video Playthrough

Back in early summer we were looking for ways to involve you and the rest of our community more in the development of our game. Many of our game scenarios represent big plot points in our story arc, we had 2 scenarios ready which we had not written yet as stories and our friend William Brown at Hungry Gamer suggested we let our facebook community tell us what they wanted to see. First we had a vote on which scenario, and then assemble to the 2 teams to play.

Off-topic Hobby Update

Off-topic Hobby Update

It’s been a while since I did a hobby update, and I promise I’ll get back to painting the new Pai sculpt and Jugger soon, but Bernie and I decided to take it easy for a couple weeks after our recent Kickstarter campaign. In the spirit of clearing my head and just having some low pressure fun I decided to work on a couple models from my growing “guilt” collection.

Painting Weekend!

Painting Weekend!

In the midst of getting our Kickstarter set up for May 20 I completely abandoned Bernie and spent all weekend in a painting class. It was a much needed mini vacation for me. It was intense and exhausting but I started the week with my mind refreshed. The class was taught by Sergio Calvo Rubio. If you don’t know the name and you’re a fan of painting miniatures you should check out his amazing works, I’m sure you will be inspired.